How NASA supports agriculture

Satellite-based agricultural analysis

Posted on February 10, 2022
Who says agriculture isn't of the utmost importance? In recent years, NASA has deployed several satellites and some staff to serve American agriculture.
Catherine Dallaire, Agronome

Extensive soil and crop analysis

In an effort to assist the agricultural sector in the state of Virginia, NASA used its tools to analyze the water consumption of specific crops. Using 8 satellites and drones, a precise assessment of the evapotranspiration of selected areas was made and helped determine the minimum amount of water needed, as well as the optimal irrigation frequencies. The main objective being to reduce water waste in a state where drier than normal weather has been recorded in recent years.

All of this, along with several other initiatives including the use of satellites to find the best land in the country for vineyards, is part of an impressive project called NASA DEVELOP.

Relevant data to be known and shared

The idea behind it? To promote public awareness on the potential of information found in the field of earth sciences and to educate on the relevance of geospatial data. The program tries to create relationships with different organizations, but also with companies and state institutions in order to address concrete issues in different fields, including climate change and agriculture. More recently, NASA has also been trying to provide the public with more tools directly on their website. These include thematic maps, data logs, and even customized training.

As we look at the extent of the data available... it seems that all those satellites we see in the sky are not just there to allow us to listen to "L’amour est dans le pré"...


Catherine Dallaire, Agronome